검색결과 111 건의 컨텐츠
measuring the cost of living_경제원론 19강
[ 강의 > 이화수업 ] 2013.09.25
measuring the cost of living 생계비의 측정1. price indexes 물가지수2. how the consumer price index is calculated 소비자물가지수 계산 방법3. problems in measuring the co...
Images of korea in tourism posters from the 1970s and 1980s_한국 문화 유산의 이해 15강
[ 강의 > 이화수업 ] 2013.09.24
Images of korea in tourism posters from the 1970s and 1980s 1970년~ 1980년대 관광 포스터에 나오는 한국의 이미지1.symbols of specific cultures or nations 국가와 문화의 구체적인...
Geographical perception and Cultural geography of Korea_지리학으로 본 한국의 문화와 환경 7강
[ 강의 > 이화수업 ] 2013.09.06
지리학적 인식과 한국의 문화지리학 Geographical perception and Cultural geography of Korea1. History of Korean people 한국인의 역사2. Korean language and its chara...
Landform and people_지리학으로 본 한국의 문화와 환경 3강
[ 강의 > 이화수업 ] 2013.09.05
Landform and people 지형과 사람들1. Formation of the Korean peninsula : geological background 한국의 형성 : 지리학적 배경2. Landforms 지형 1) Mountains an...
kin selection_Animal Behavior 12강
[ 강의 > 이화수업 ] 2013.08.22
혈연선택 kin selection1. 벨딩의 땅다람쥐 Belding's ground squirrel2. 해밀턴의 법칙 Hamilton's rule3. 혈연계수 Coefficient of relatedness 4. 진정사회성...
Health Reform Innovation: New Concepts in Care Delivery
[ 강의 > 교외강의 ] 2013.06.27
Health Reform Innovation: New Concepts in Care DeliveryJoin National Journal for a policy summit convening our nation's top health care experts and...
Introduction to Microeconomics
[ 강의 > 교외강의 ] 2013.06.05
Economics may have a reputation as a dismal science, but in fact it addresses some of the most fundamental problems we face: How to make the best d...
Circuits and Electronics: Introduction and lumped abstraction
[ 강의 > 교외강의 ] 2013.06.05
6.002 is designed to serve as a first course in an undergraduate electrical engineering (EE), or electrical engineering and computer science (EECS)...
Morality and the Free Market - Michael Sandel
[ 강의 > 교외강의 ] 2013.06.04
Political philosopher Michael Sandel argues that free market economics have affected American perceptions of ethics, morality, and value. By emphas...
[ 강의 > 교외강의 ] 2013.05.29
(September 26, 2012) Jon Summers, an automotive historian, talks about why the automobile is so central to modern life. He discusses automotive her...