검색결과 4 건의 컨텐츠
[ 강의 > 이화수업 ] 2017.12.21
HR process
[ 강의 > 이화수업 ] 2017.12.21
Human resource management/Diversity, Inclusion and job performance for Korean employees
Justice: What's The Right Thing To Do? Episode 09: ARGUING AFFIRMATIVE ACTION
[ 강의 > 교외강의 ] 2013.05.28
PART ONE: ARGUING AFFIRMATIVE ACTIONSandel describes the 1996 court case of a white woman named Cheryl Hopwood who was denied admission to a Texas ...
[ 강의 > 교외강의 ] 2013.05.28
"Revolution, Reform, and Repression: Challenges to Women's Inclusion and Equality in the Middle East and North Africa," Sussan Tahmasebi. This pres...