검색결과 5 건의 컨텐츠
Leadership/Management theories and concepts [사회복지행정론 04강]
[ 강의 > 이화수업 ] 2017.12.21
1. Leadership defined2. Leadership theories and models
Management in the human services/The nature of human service organizations [사회복지행정론 02강]
[ 강의 > 이화수업 ] 2017.12.21
1. The human services institution2. Administration defined: functions and roles3. Management practice in a human services context4. The nature of h...
What is philosophy? - 1 [Introduction to Western Philosophy 02강]
[ 강의 > 이화수업 ] 2017.12.20
1. what is philosophy2. roundabout way of explaining philosophy3. Peculiar features of philosophical questions
World Waste: Recycling Cities and Saving the Planet
[ 강의 > 교외강의 ] 2013.06.12
World Waste: Recycling Cities and Saving the PlanetWe produce waste. Perhaps even more importantly, we define what is waste and what is not, and we...
Justice: What's The Right Thing To Do? Episode 11: THE CLAIMS OF COMMUNITY
[ 강의 > 교외강의 ] 2013.05.28
PART ONE: THE CLAIMS OF COMMUNITY Professor Sandel presents Kants objections to Aristotles theory. Kant believes politics must respect individual f...